Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow or Disney?

After the kids school being cancelled for the entire week I look back and think I should of taken my MIL up on her offer!!!  At dinner last Friday night after we heard the forecast of the weather headed our way my MIL half jokingly said we should just head to Disney.  My kids and in-laws season passes are still good til the end on January, we could find some cheap points and rent a studio, we really had a plan started! We laughed and said that would be better than snow any day.  We jokingly tossed around the idea but we already took my kids out of school for our vacation in October.  Of course in Georgia there are laws about how many days your kids can miss. No Child Left behind and all!  But in my humble opinion they learn a heck of a lot more on vacation with their family especially in Disney than they do in school but that is for another blog!  So dinner was finished and nothing else was said about it.
Well now a week has past and as of right now the kids have yet to step foot back in school because of snow!!  We really should of gone with our joking gut and gone to Disney.  Lesson learned always choose Disney!!!
And to top it off my MIL today says "I knew we should of gone to Disney"....Lesson learned!!

Tip Of The Day
January is a very good time to visit Disney.  The crowds are low as long as you travel after the first week of January.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tip Of The Day

Today we unveil The Tip Of The Day. The Tip Of The Day is going to be a daily tip about Disney. In all my research for planning my families trips to Disney and helping others plan their trips I have learned a few helpful hints and I want to share them with you. Check here everyday for your Tip Of The Day!!

Tip Of The Day
Arrive to the park at least 30 minutes prior to opening

I find that getting to the park of your choosing at least 30 minutes before it opens is a must do especially if you have children. You are at the front of what my family likes to call the "Disney Dash". It is the only time of our whole trip that we briskly walk, no running allowed, to the attraction of our choice. Getting to the park early is worth few minutes you have to wait so that you are ahead of the crowds. It also makes getting to the park easier. If you are riding one of the Disney buses they will be less crowded, you won't have to stand and if you are driving yourself you will get a closer parking spot. All in all arrive early will help you be ahead of the crowds! And crowds is a word we want to avoid when it comes to Disney.

This is our view from our "Disney Dash" one morning at the opening of the Magic Kingdom

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

Last night here in North Georgia we got about 7 inches of snow. I know to most people 7 inches of snow is nothing to get excited about. For us this is a major event. Pretty much all of Georgia shut down. The kids were out of school, my husband's office was closed, and we were able to have the whole day stuck at home. Today was a great family day. We had a great time sledding, 4 wheeling, making snow angels, and building snowmen!

Speaking of snowmen....With our family not a day goes by that Disney isn't there. Today is no different! I want to share with you our Mickey snowman.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Long Time Coming

This blog has been a long time coming. I have been saying I am going to write a blog about Disney for years now. My New Years resolution of sorts is to do stuff this year that I have always said I was going to do. First thing to check off my list is Write A Blog about Disney...check!!

I will start with a little about myself and my love for Disney. My name is Nicole Souders. I have been married to my Disney loving husband for 13 years and we have 4 Disney loving children. My husband and I started our married life with a honeymoon trip to you guessed it DISNEY!!! And from then on out it has been many many many Disney trips to follow.

With all our trips to Disney, I have learned a great deal about what to do and what not to do. I am hoping to share my experience good and bad to help others have as many wonderful vacations as my family and I have been fortunate enough to have. I am sort of known as the Disney nut to my family and friends. If anyone has questions about planning their vacation or just Disney questions in general they usually will come to me.

My hopes for this blog is to help others plan great vacations and just to share my love for Disney.